Disney+ has launched the official trailer for Lucasfilm’s Halloween treat LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales. The animated Star Wars special is made up of three tales spun by Vaneé (voiced by Tony Hale), a loyal servant to Darth Vader.
The special’s voice cast also includes Jake Green as Poe Dameron, Raphael Alejandro as Dean, Dana Snyder as Graballa the Hutt, Christian Slater as Ren, and Trevor Devall as Emperor Palpatine. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn voices NI-L8 and Matt Sloan is Darth Vader.
Disney+ has set an October 1, 2021 premiere date for the special written by executive producer David Shayne and directed by Ken Cunningham. James Waugh, Josh Rimes, Jacqui Lopez, Jill Wilfert, Keith Malone, Jason Cosler, and Jennifer Twiner McCarron also executive produced, with Daniel Cavey and Dan Langlois producing.
The three “terrifying tales” include:
- “The Lost Boy,” the story of how a young Ben Solo first meets Ren.
- “The Dueling Monstrosities” which imagines how Darth Maul and General Grievous were reborn.
- “The Wookiee’s Paw,” which gives a look at what might have happened if all of Luke Skywalker’s greatest wishes were immediately granted.
LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales Plot:
After the events of The Rise of Skywalker, Poe and BB-8 must make an emergency landing on the volcanic planet Mustafar where they meet the greedy and conniving Graballa the Hutt who has purchased Darth Vader’s castle and is renovating it into the galaxy’s first all-inclusive Sith-inspired luxury hotel. While waiting for his X-wing to be repaired, Poe, BB-8, Graballa, and Dean (a plucky and courageous young boy who works as Graballa’s mechanic) venture deep into the mysterious castle with Vader’s loyal servant, Vaneé.
Along the way, Vaneé shares three creepy stories linked to ancient artifacts and iconic villains from across all eras of Star Wars. As Vaneé spins his tales and lures our heroes deeper into the shadowy underbelly of the castle, a sinister plan emerges. With the help of Dean, Poe and BB-8 will have to face their fears, stop an ancient evil from rising, and escape to make it back to their friends.
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